Friday, February 22, 2013

Pandora was lucky - she had hope! Not us Indians

Yes, Pandora was lucky to have hope but we Indians do not seem to have this single attribute which will take us safely into the future. 

Hope becomes dimmer by the day. Especially on days like today when you wake up to see eminent persons make regressive recommendations.

I would say this is an indicator of the distance we have to cover in terms of just aligning our thought with the present day. We cannot live in the dark ages and try to extract the benefits of the modern world. It is like North Korea that spits at every country and then is expects MFN status!

How can we even think of awareness, information security, technology advancement, capability building or capacity building when we have regressive thinking in such high echelons. If it was a Godman, a politician, a shamman, a witch doctor or a someone wearing colored robes, one can ascribe it to their lack of intellect or education. 

Each of these persons have an ulterior motive to shackle youth and what better target than young women.

A parting thought - will we now ban cycles as they were the vehicles that transported the bombs that went off in Hyderbad ? The damage is more than a few blogged / tweeted words that hurt people in high places!

Shame !