Friday, May 21, 2010

Mera Bharat Mahaan - year round Diwali in the airport

This is hilarious and revealing - airports around the country have been using fire-crackers to keep the birds away. Now the Min of Home Affairs (MHA) has woken up to the fact that this is a security risk.

Why ?

Because someone wrapped a few fire-crackers in a newspaper and placed it in an aircraft in Thiruvananthapuram.
Firecracker planted on aircraft in Thiruvananthapuram: CISF

The funny part is that these blokes set fire to the grass in Mumbai airport, and called is a small incident !
Grass near Mumbai airport runway catches fire
PTI, Jan 13, 2010, 03.51pm IST
MUMBAI: A patch of grass near the main runway caught fire at the Mumbai airport but was quickly doused by the airport fire service personnel.

The incident took place around 2 pm when 'bird scarers' were bursting crackers to chase away birds that pose problems in flight operations.

... read more.

Like they say this is a funny country lekiin Mera Bharat Mahaan and it will be mahaan when we have people like this.

The 40 odd guys employed to burst crackers surely have a nice job - year round Diwali ! And now that the MHA is banning firecrackers they are going to become scarecrows

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You are not doing India proud !

These people are definitely not doing India proud:

May 2010 - Pramod Muthalik, Sanjay Jindal,,  OP Chautala, Baba Ramdev, Swami Nityanand, Shailesh Mahimtura, IPL

May 2010

IPL - various stakeholders

The IPL was a good thing, until the rich guys started fighting to get a few crores more. And over the past few months there has been a lot of mud slinging and dirty linen being washed. Big names splattered all over with multiple allegations. I am sure the PR professionals have made a killing. Well I did not want to get into the IPL muck since I was personally confused about who was doing what, and why and how. Who owned slices and dices of the cake. 

Unfortunately the name Sharad Pawar and his family is now headlined and the explanations are not convincing. This is my personal opinion and I am disappointed. I am also amused that Mr Lalit Modi has issued a statement defending him and naming Chirayu Amin as another "interested" party. 

Governance... whats that ?

Shailesh Mahimtura
Greed is bound to bring you down. Mr Mahimtura is a highly successful structural engineer and was heading the Heritage committee and various other decision making bodies of the Mumbai Municipality. And he asked for a  bribe ! whoops - man you have tons of money and command big fees so why are you so cheap as to ask for a bribe ? 
Just because everyone in authority asks (or expects) (or demands) a bribe for any type of work does not mean that you also go and indulge in the same bad practice. And then you are sooo greedy - you ask for big money and threaten people who do not pay.
What a sad end to am bright career - I am sure this person was an intelligent and smart person who knew his job / profession but it is apparent he did not know how to handle power. Egos build up as one becomes powerful and then one fine day something like this happens. It is high time the educated (so called elite) stopped stooping so low and set an example. 
However I do believe that it all starts when you are  young and to take a line from the song in the movie "2 Idiots" - Papa ne ghoos dena sikhaya (Dad taught me to bribe), So now it is this guy's birthright to take and give bribes !!

Pramod Muthalik
- from the Ram Sene. He has just been caught on video asking for 60 lacs to "engineer" riots to create a controversy about an artist's work. This was a sting operation and he and another party functionary were caught on camera asking for money and discussing (cold bloodedly) the merits of doing some 'hungama' in an area where there is a majority Mulsim population !

Man this guy makes me feel so sick. And he is the same person who had led an attack on young college kids at a Mangalore pub saying that the pub-culture was immoral and that he was the protector of Indian / Hindu culture.

Well Mr Pramod - Hindu culture surely does not need people like you for its protection. It has prevailed and survived over the past thousands of years and people like you will make sure we get killed. Talibanisation is not welcome !!

Sanjay Jindal
OP Chautala
Baba Ramdev
- supporting the Khap panchayati demand for amendment of the Hindu Marriage act to ban "same gotra" marriages !
The first person is a yuppie politician and hearing him support this crap is so so sad. It is quite obvious his education has gone to waste. If he has to support medieval practices and fears under the guise of Hindu Culture he has to really learn what culture really means.
The second person - I have seen him over the past so many years that I would just discount him as he is a politician who is interested only to keep the pot of strife boiling so he can take advantage of vote banks when needed.

The BIG question here for both these 'enlightened' persons - since you are such great protectors of Hindu culture it is obvious you support child marriage and sati too. So should the junta expect that the next demands will be for inclusion of these practices also in the same Act ?

Yes, the oldies - those hookah smoking, self appointed guardians that are the Khaps will like that too - get a license to marry minors, or to marry off their minor girls and boys, and to burn widows !

Mr Jindal and Mr Chautala - u are supposed to be responsible leaders. If leaders think so we are headed for the cesspool and I surely have no interest to follow you.

Sincerely hope that good sense prevails on your constituents and they give you the boot.

The latest person to support this regressive thought is Baba Ramdev and I was disappointed since I would have expected a better response or silence from his end. These are people with a lot of influence and it may be better to stick to their core professions rather than start advocating expertise in Hindu culture. It is a complex thing where understanding has eluded people for centuries and it is the most dynamic culture which evolves with time. Please let this fabric be !

Ketan Desai
The president of the Medical Council of India - the biggest bribe taker of all ! And to imagine that he was the president elect of the World Medical Association. People like him abound in the country -they shout and scream against bribery and corruption and themselves are on the take.

Just like the holy men who have been caught time and again indulging themselves !

Sad, to say the least. And here the country is trying to build it's image as a good place, where there are good people and it is people like Desai who shame us.

I dropped the Dr from his name intentionally !

Swami Nityanand
Yes he is the same one who was also caught on video with a well known lady from the South Indian cinema.

Then he started screaming 'frameup' and 'morphing' and what not. It did not work and he went into hiding and is now back . In the meanwhile his disciple contracts have been exposed to include clauses which indemnify his ashram from any claims in event of sexual encounters etc ! And there are more stories about his escapades with other disciples of the female variety.

And there was this other swami who was running a high class call girl racket. I forget his name and will come back when I do.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Khap's khap

Punjabis use the work "khap" pretty frequently and I have grown up to learn that it means noise. It's use in sentences can be like
"khap paana" = make noise or just create a hassle.
"ki khap paa raha hai" = why are you making noise; what sort of crap are you now creating.

The Tribune, Chandigarh gives another meaning .. but if you look deeper, you will see that there is a sense of frustration being expressed !

In any case I will go by my own knowledge ! KHAP = din, noise, mess, hassle
Pronounced KH as in the 'kh' from the wrestler Khali AP as in 'up'

Well to come to the issue at hand, the Khap Panchayats have been creating a lot of khap over the past few months passing summary judgment on caste marriages and this has generally led to young boys and girls being killed to uphold the honor of their parents / family / village !

Does this sound medieval ? Yes ! I am shocked that we live in a modern society where we are seeing these extra constitutional bodies passing death sentences ! And it is being done in the name of "upholding Hindu values and traditions". They pass sentences on couples who have the same gotra. I don't even know my gotra !

The sad part is that we now have a "young turk" MP who is supporting the cause. Now this gent is supposed to be educated and the youth of the country has hopes and wold even look on him as a role model - and he is now playing caste politics.

Besides him there are many others -politicians, social workers et al who are calling for a change of the Hindu Marriage Act. They want it changed so that same gotra weddings are banned. They say this is against Hindu culture.

So is if okay under Hindu culture if you go around killing your sons and daughters.

In school we had this pledge which said "all Indians are my brothers and sisters" and then we grew up where everyone was an uncle, auntie, bhaiyya (brother) or didi (sister) ... you get the drift ?

It is sad to see these 'protectors of Hindu culture' working with negative forces. If only they used this same clout for the betterment of society we would be a much better country.

And shameful to see the educated "elite" and intelligentsia supporting feudal institutions in their pursuit for a pure race.